Welcome to the ACE100

The new place to celebrate, share and learn across health and care in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland.

The current entries in our grid below have been submitted by colleagues working in health and care and provide examples of achievements and how we are taking forward our priorities to improve the health and care of our people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. By sharing and celebrating the achievements of our colleagues across the system we hope to spread good practice and inspire innovation.

Check out the entries below by clicking the boxes. You can also filter by theme by clicking on the themes below.

Thank you to all those who have shared their stories so far. If you have some work that you’re proud of and it deserves to be in the ACE100 click here.

Joining up health and social care in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Vaccination success in Rutland’s rural communities

Supporting residents through technology-enabled care at home

Ensuring quality and safety in primary care

Early Help to children and families

The Lightbulb Project bringing together partners

Pre-transfer clinical discussions pilot scheme

Tackling health inequalities in cancer screening

Community pharmacy consultation service

Improving outcomes for people with a learning disability

New maternity app to address health inequalities

Improving detection of high blood pressure 

Chronic kidney disease management

Artificial Intelligence used for diagnosis

Community Respiratory Hubs Achieve Goals

Virtual wards reduce hospital admissions